Our customers include: Texas A & M, Purdue University, University of Florida, National Guitar, the US Dept. of Energy and more. In stock and ready to ship within one day from our warehouse in Greensboro, NC.
 Hydromag, a leading UK publication on cannabis horticulture, sits down with the owner of Solacure, Dennis Brown.
It is a short but informative article that covers the background of Solacure and our decades in the industry, how our lamps work, and seeks to clear up some misconceptions about ultraviolet in general. Click to read more.
Flower Power package, in 2 foot or 4 foot
The number one selling UVB system for cannabis, in the US, Canada and Europe, complete with timer, glasses and all metal fixtures..
Small tent? Try our 2 foot bulbs: Get 2 bulbs + 2 fixtures, enough to cover a 6'x6' area. Click here view.
The #1 seller is our 4 foot kit, with 2 bulbs and two solid steel fixtures. Click here to see!
Just need one Flower Power bulb and fixture? Click here, choose your size.
 Violin Makers Love SolacureLooking for fast oxidation? You don't have to use UV cure resins, you can get the benefits with linseed oil based products when you use Solacure's SG-1 series lamps. The secret is our proprietary phosphor blend that rapidly accelerates the oxidation process, letting you create the kind of finish that would take months in natural sun light, yet takes less than a week inside. The looks are identical to naturally aged because we use the same processes, we just do it faster. Check out our special UV kit designed specifically for violin builders.
 Age wood naturally, only fasterThousands of craftsmen choose Solacure to age wood naturally. Matching new cabinets to old? Want to make instant antiques? Need to give instruments or other wooden items a dark oxidized look that is far superior to fake looking spray on "antique" finishes? Shine some light on them. Look at our projects to see what can be done.
Show pigs? Yes, we can do that.
Yes, we have MANY customers who raise show pigs and use our Universal UV lamps to help give them color. As unusual as this sounds, they are proven to make blacks blacker and give show pigs that extra color that wins prizes. Livestock that needs a little UV benefit greatly from the Universal UV, and they work in a standard 4 foot fixture. Nothing makes your pigs look better than Universal UV lamps. Save when you buy 12, 18 or 24 bulbs! Click here for more info or call us for a consultation, we actually understand your needs!
We've written over 100 articles on UV related subject over the years, and in our Support section, you will find tons of useful documents to help you better achieve your goals. Some of it is basic, some of it is technical, but remember that you can always call if you have questions. 1-800-600-8118